Ode to the Pansies!!! These flowers are most definitely well deserving of a more appropriate name. These babies thrived all through the winter and spread vigorously throughout our window boxes gifting me with vibrant colors in such a lifeless season. They have held strong through the spring and are on their last blooms , :( as I've picked some of the best before time to replant. I'm developing a new sense of appreciation for flowers. To plant them, provide them with enough water to flourish, to watch them grow each and every day...you become responsible for what they become. And at the end of the day...to be able to pick them and put them in a vase, is comparable to a sense of winning in which partly a bit of pride and accomplishment take place.
~flOweRsGiVeuSBeAuTy, wHeNouRWoRldhAs noNe~